The report that was released subsequent to the closed door UN Security Council meeting emphasised that the Tigers must lay down arms; that they must free the civilians trapped by them and that the GoSL must hasten to avoid further war suffering and find a solution to the ethnic conflict. US President Obama has also stressed on these same lines.
At the same time with a view of bringing an end to the immense human destruction, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon’s Special Envoy is to talk to the GoSL.
In reality if the Tiger terrorists put down arms and Prabhakaran, Pottu Amman and other important co-terrorists surrender to the Sri Lankan Army, what does the Sri Lankan Army have more to do in Mullivaikkal?
As the Tiger cubs repeatedly wrap themselves into a twist, the international community is constantly reminded that the Tigers are indeed terrorists. The UN Security Council has also reiterated that the Sri Lankan government has a reasonable right to eradicate terrorism.
Therefore, the Tamil diaspora realising that the GoSL and the Army have decided to finish off the tigers in Mullivaikkal, have switched onto battle mode holding high the Tiger flag.
It is alright if they consider themselves intelligent but they take to the streets wailing, in the belief that they are the only intelligent ones and that the rest are fools. Using to their benefit the western world’s importance to the rights of children and the aged, they push forward their children in strollers and highlight their cheap mentality to the international community.
They continue to refuse to be held in check believing that ‘we (they) will not fall’, failing to understand that for India and Sri Lanka, ‘God is the law’ but for countries like Canada, London and America, ‘the Law is God’. It is only in India and Sri Lanka that the situation is in line with the old Tamil proverb, "The King will punish immediately whereas God will punish after awhile.” For countries that consider the law as God, the reality is that the ‘Government will punish after awhile”! So then, God? The western world has realised that God has died and that religion has become redundant.
So without realising that the ‘Government will punish after awhile’ the Tiger cubs continue their racket. They behave like their leadership which does not realise what is to happen subsequently, and continue to act given their inability to understand the repercussions. The bigwigs of this racket are in danger of being deported. Those who participate in the racket are enabling a future environment which would re-examine their past income taxes and other related information. The Canadian Embassy in Sri Lanka will further prolong granting of visas. Due to their actions, everyone else will have to face this situation; the only fault, being born as a Tamil. There is no other alternative!
This being as it is, the highlight of the racket remains the Tiger flag. This is also the problem for the media of these countries. It revolves around the question as to why and how they are holding aloft a flag belonging to a banned terrorist group. That too, together with the national flag of the respective country! Furthermore, the organisors through radio broadcasts ask people to flood in; that there are ‘trained’ students amongst these crowds and if the media seeks opinions only these ‘trained’ students must be introduced. To summarise, come like a herd of goats; if the goat in front of you skips you must also skip without using your head; that is all that there is to it!
The ploy used here is, though most of the people that participate in these protests go with the aim of trying to do their bit to save the lives of the people stuck in the war, if they are let to express their views the first thing to be revealed would be that the civilians are stuck there because of the Tigers. Secondly, what will happen to the income of those who claim to be the organisors? If the Tigers tomorrow become null they cannot luxuriously remain shaking their feet, hands or anything for that matter! What if they have to return to Sri Lanka tomorrow? Can they deal with the EPRLF (Pathmanaba) or PLOTE? Will they be left alone? Won’t the masses themselves, slipper them!
So, the Tiger flag and the Tiger leadership are the only income generator for these Tiger agents. People... people...they are only empty words for them.
The history of the tigers and what will they do, is the truth that the whole country knows, which now the whole world knows. No one can deny that on a daily basis people end up as corpses in Mullivaikkal. There is only one force that can put an end to this and avoid human suffering; the Tigers! If the Tigers lay down their arms or free the civilians, why would lives be lost? This is the only way to stop these deaths. There is no other way. Therefore, the fate of the people remains in the decision of the Tigers. Strange but true.
Even after international organisations inclusive of the UN and other countries have requested the ‘Tigers to lay down their arms’ the Tigers remain oblivious. There is one force that could convince the Tigers to give up their arms and that would be the Tamil diaspora. But the diaspora remains relentless and wiles away time in the belief that even if the people are destroyed, the Tiger leadership must survive.
If Gotabhaya’s response to the questions raised by the UN and the international community has been sufficient, the diaspora must take this into consideration. It seems that Gotabhaya has evidence of Tiger atrocities on his fingertips which seem to send those who have been coming to Sri Lanka the same way back.
Therefore, if the diaspora would do the needful in ensuring that the Tigers lay their arms down, many good things will happen. Most importantly the civilians stuck there will live and it will pave the way for their minimum democratic survival and political aspirations.
Translation of article originally published by Sahasamavada in Tamil.
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